saiyan mile larkaiya meaning in english with english lyrics

saiyan mile larkaiya meaning in english with english lyrics 

Before knowing saiyan mile larkaiya meaning in english, let us tell you that saiyan mile larkaiya lyrics are in hindi. These are being presented in the alphabet of the English language. But the knowledgeable of English, who is ignorant of Hindi, how can he understand the song lyrics in hindi? If Understand the meaning of the words but how to feel the hidden feelings in the song lyrics? To solve this confusion, saiyan mile larkaiya meaning in english has been given in front of you.

Saiyan mile larkaiya meaning in english with lyrics in English Too 

saiyan mile larkaiya meaning in english, main meaning is depiction of feelings of a girl. Who gets married at a young age. It is obvious that if the age of that girl is younger, then the age of the person who marries her is the same as her. 

Now where the girl starts wearing the cloak of maturity after marriage, the same boy remains in the boyhood. As the girl grows mature, she expects from her husband, but she gets disappointed. Let's see the detailed emotional description of the entire song lyrics. Before that read saiyan mile larkaiya song lyrics. After that you will read saiyan mile larkaiya meaning in english. 

Saiyan mile larkaiya lyrics with meaning in english 

Saiyan mile larkaiya song lyrics, is sung by Malini Awasthi. Malini Awasthi is quite a popular name in folk song singing. Song in saiyan mile larkaiya lyrics the portrayal of a girl after marriage is sung Malini Awasthi very beautifully.

Haan..Aa...baalee umariyaan mein..
Are byaah ke aaee..
Are main bholee baalama naadaan
Are haay kaisee...
Vipat padee moree gueeyaan..
Are kachhu na samajhe ajaan

Saiyan mile larakiyan, main ka karoon
Saiyan mile larakiyan, main ka karoon
Saiyan mile larakiyan, main ka karoon
Saiyan mile larakiyan, main ka karoon
Saiyan mile larakiyan, main ka karoon
Haay main ka karoon

Baarah baras kee main, byaah ke aayee
Baarah baras kee main, byaah ke aayee
Baarah baras kee main, byaah ke aayee
Saiyaan baarah baras kee main,
Byaah ke aayee, saiyaan ho..... 
Baarah baras kee main, byaah ke aayee
Saiyaan chale paiyaan-paiyaan, main kya karoon-(×2)
Saiyaan mile larakiyaan, main ka karoon
Saiyaan chale paiyaan-paiyaan, main kya karoon
Saiyaan mile larakiyaan, main ka karoon
Haay main ka karoon

Hoon....pandrah baras kee main, gaune pe aayee
Pandrah baras kee main, gaune pe aayee-(×2)
Saiyaan pandrah baras, kee main gaune pe aayee
Saiyaan ho.....
Saiyaan udaave kanakeeyaan, main ka karoon-(×3)
Saiyaan mile larakiyaan, main ka karoon
Haiyaan mile larakiyaan, main ka karoon
Haay main ka karoon

Solah baras mori ari baalee umaariyaan ho...
Solah baras kee mori baaree umaariyaan
Guiyaan solah baras, guiyaan solah baras kee 
Solah baras guiyaan, solah baras kee
Solah baras mori baalee umaariyaan-(×2)
Saiyaan solah baras mori baalee umaariyaan
Saiyaan ho.....

Saiyaan chhudaave mose baiya, main ka karoon-(×3)
Saiyaan mile larakiyaan, main ka karoon-(×2)
Haay main ka karoon

Bees baras kee main, hone ko aayee-(×2)
Saiyaan bees baras kee main, hone ko aayee
Saiyaan ho.....
Saiyaan pukaare maiya-maiya, main ka karoon-(×3)
Saiyaan mile larakiyaan, main ka karoon-(×2)
Haay main ka karoon  

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saiyan mile larkaiya meaning in english

The folk song Saiyan Mile Larkaiyan song lyrics is in Hindi but it also has a combination of words from Awadhi language. Saiyan Mile Larkaiyan tells the story of a girl who got married in childhood. According to the age after marriage, where a girl starts attaining a little bit of maturity, the man may struggle for his maturity. The girl says that what should I do to meet her in Larkaiya i.e. in boyhood, how should I explain to my husband? At what age the girl is troubled by the actions of her husband.

Let us see the details of every stage of the girl's age in Saiyan Mile Larkaiyan hindi Song Lyrics Meaning in English.

When I got married at the age of twelve, I saw that my husband is just learning to walk. The meaning of Paiyan Paiyan is this when small children walk for the first time, we say, the child has Paiyan Paiyan. 

When I turned fifteen, I saw my husband fly a kite. Here both of us are married and I have come to the in-laws' house and this gentleman is roaming after kites. I banged my head, oh my god!  what do i do now?

My sixteenth year, zeal in my heart, aspirations are rising in my heart. When I face my husband, it is far from understanding my feelings. Some are not even ready to listen. When he started leaving, I held his hand but he ran away after releasing his hand. Oh God! what do i do now? 

So! Now I am twenty years old. But the husband is still roaming around saying Maiya Maiya, tied to his mother's pallu.  Oh my G! what do i do now? Saiyan met in boyhood. 

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